Rally on 23.6. at Prerower Platz in reaction to the right-wing motivated arson attacks in Neu-Hohenschönhausen

The square in front of the shopping center "Lindencenter" on a rainy day. Here is a pavilion, a photo wall against racism and some people with colorful umbrellas.

Even in pouring rain, anti-fascist and local initiatives as well as numerous residents of Hohenschönhausen gathered at the rally. They had come to protest against a neo-Nazi clique that has been carrying out arson attacks on residential buildings in the neighborhood for a year and a half for racist reasons. The rally was viewed critically by a large group of plainclothes officers from the Berlin LKA, among others. Even in times of racist attacks, for police authorities the enemy seems to be on the left. “It’s already burned several times at my place,” reports a resident, personal belongings in the basement have also come to harm. Other residents stand by and nod. Most of them live near Prerower Platz, but a few people from Alt-Hohenschönhausen have also come. They are angry about all the damage that has been done to their homes and would like to see reactions from property managers and politicians. Ultimately, the costs caused by the fires would be passed on to the tenants. This upsets many.

In some houses the fire extinguishers have been dismantled, in others the fire water pipes are missing. A neighbor reports that he has called the police and the fire department several times because of this. No one is interested – this is often heard in conversations with residents. The neighborhood is also disturbed by the fact that they were left in the dark about the right-wing arsons. For most of them, a complete investigation and appropriate consequences are the least that needs to happen now. In addition, there are feelings of insecurity, because the series of arsons has not come to an end even with the police investigations against the possible perpetrators.

Most of the participants had learned about the rally through flyers in their mailboxes. These were distributed in large numbers last week in the neighborhoods affected by the fires.
In individual conversations, residents also reported racist threats in their neighborhoods. They are glad that there is an opportunity for exchange. “Thank you for doing this, can I join you?” inquired a young woman. Her garbage cans are always on fire in front of her door.
All in all, many contacts are made and exchanged between residents and committed people. Together, they were able to send an important signal against right-wing violence.

Derzeit wird über die Gestaltung einer Folgeveranstaltung nachgedacht, da sehr deutlich wurde, dass der Kiez Redebedarf hat und nicht weiter im Unklaren gelassen werden möchte.

Wir wollen im Kiez ein solidarisches Bewusstsein stärken – rechte Gewalt darf nicht unkommentiert bleiben!
Kommt mit euren Nachbar*innen ins Gespräch und unterstützt von Rassismus Betroffene!

Report right-wing assaults and provide contact to victim counseling centers –

The square in front of the shopping center "Lindencenter" on a rainy day. There is a pavilion with a banner on it that says "Don't look away - together against racism" in many different languages. Next to it are some people with colorful umbrellas.

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